Typical tasks for home automation systems are monitoring and controlling tasks climate control and lighting.
Both are tightly related to weather parameters. Climate control obviously to temperature, lighting by cloud cover or the astronomical values of sunrise / -set.
In more advanced systems even photovoltaic systems can be connected to information about expected radiation.
The market of home automation is not standardized, and many solutions are available in the market.
One of the common system is Loxone offering a wide range of functionality.
For this system exists an Open Source Raspberry Pi version called LoxBerry, offering a variety of additional plugins to optimize the usage for individual needs.
Among others there is a weather service integration called weather4koxone offering a weather server on the LoxBerry that accesses the data from various weather services – like Visual Crossing, processes this data and makes it available to the server. All weather data is available as variables for programming as well as visually processed for the web page module. Via Weather Service Emulator the weather can also be fully integrated in the Loxone App, e.g. in room mode. The current weather data, the daily forecast of the next 14 days as well as the hourly forecast of the next 360 hours can be accessed using the Visual Crossing Weather Service.
A separate sign-up to get the Visual Crossing key is required under https://www.visualcrossing.com/sign-up
You find the plugin on GitHub under https://github.com/mschlenstedt/LoxBerry-Plugin-Weather4Lox/archive/Weather4Lox-V4.10.0.2.zip
and additional information in the LoxBerry repository : https://github.com/mschlenstedt/Loxberry
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