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The most accurate and affordable weather data
If you are searching for the perfect option for accurate and affordable weather data for any business or personal project, Visual Crossing Weather is the ideal solution. In addition, all users have access to full 15-day, worldwide weather forecasts and ultra long-range forecasting using statistical climate modeling
Beyond common weather measures such as rain and wind or severe weather, powerful functionality such as solar radiation, degree days, and weather alerts are available. All of this is accessible via our web-based data explorer page and the easy-to-use Weather Timeline API.
Key Resources
Historical Data
More than 50 years of global weather history
Weather Forecasts
Full 15-day forecast worldwide
Full weather data documentation
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How-tos & Guides
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Solve your business weather data challenges
Retail Marketing
How to use weather forecast for visual marketing retail
Industry & weather
What industries rely on Visual Crossing Weather?
How to plan construction activities in Excel
Insurance Claims
How to use weather data to verify insurance claims
Shipping & Delivery
Protect your hot & cold weather sensitive shipments
Access to global historical weather & forecast data
The Visual Crossing global weather database provides easy access to decades of national and global weather data, model-based 15-day forecasts, and long-range weather patterns based on statistical climate modeling. This allows our weather engine to quickly and easily provide the weather data that you need for any project worldwide.
Our engine processes billions of hourly and sub-hourly weather observations from more than one hundred thousand worldwide observation stations, including satellite and maritime sources to create our global weather observation database. Every report is analyzed for errors, missing information, and other anomalies to ensure that the most complete and accurate reports are retained.
The weather engine then aggregates and interpolates from these records to create the most accurate report for any place at any time in the past 50 years. This enables you to view historical reports at whatever locations and resolutions you need to satisfy any project. Whether you need historical weather by ZIP Code or climate data by address, our vast archive has the data that you seek. As a response to a single query, our engine can combine hundreds of local weather station records to produce a single, coherent weather report for anywhere in the world.
Our 15-day forecast is created using detailed forecast models from leading weather services such as NOAA and the DWD. This ensures global coverage in every city and address your project may need. Our weather forecasts offer hourly detail and daily summaries for a full 15-days. For projects that need even longer-range forecasts, our climate-based forecasts provide weather norms and patterns for any day of the year.
Despite this power, Visual Crossing Weather is the easiest-to-use and most accessible service available, with both free and paid options. Access is available through our web-based data explorer page, data science integrations, and Weather API. How-to articles, videos, and code samples are available for many business and analytical tools as well as most programming languages.
Weather Data FAQs
What is weather data
How do you get weather data?
Data is gathered from observation stations across the planet, which is then fed back to services like NOAA and DWD. We then make this available through our API for consumer use.
Which tools do meteorologists use to collect data about the weather?
Meteorologists use a variety of tools, such as thermometers, barometers, radar, satellite observations, wind vanes, and weather balloons. These are all collected and run through statistical analysis to identify the possibility of different events.
What does it mean to chase the weather?
Storm chasing is when individuals or organizations search for extreme events and follow them to gather up-close information about their formation, size, and severity, keeping the general public safe.
What does severe weather conditions mean?
Severe weather refers to events such as tornadoes, hurricanes, major snowstorms, large hail, and major thunderstorms that may result in property damage or risk to human life.
How is weather different from climate?
Weather is day-to-day conditions, measured on specific dates, while climate refers to general trends over a long period, such as years or even centuries. Climate data can help identify what conditions will be like in a given week and how trends are changing over time.
Is humidity a weather or climate?
Humidity is a weather condition on a specific date, though it also factors into climate information to identify the average humidity throughout the year.
Why is it so hard to predict snow?
Snow involves a number of different factors, including temperature on the ground and thousands of meters up in the air, as well as moisture and humidity. It is difficult to feed all these factors into a computer model, making snow forecasting one of the hardest elements of analysis. Typically, snow depth will be predicted using satellite and radar to track the storm size.
What do storm chasers do with data?
Storm chasers send the results of their search to organizations like the National Weather Service. The results they have submitted help scientists predict future weather events, as well as provide up-to-date reports on ground conditions in order to keep others safe.
How do you read wind data?
Windspeed is measured by wind barbs on recording stations and is measured in knots, which can then be translated into miles per hour. One knot is 1.15 miles per hour. Wind direction is assessed by the relation of the wind barb to a 360 degree compass.