Get Free Weather Data with our Weather Data Ambassadors Program

Our Ambassadors program is designed to get weather data and weather APIs into the hands of people who may not be able to pay but are willing to help spread the word about Visual Crossing Weather. If this sounds like a good arrangement to you, please read on and sign up below.

Weather data is valuable for many different uses, and Visual Crossing prides itself in having the best weather data solution on the market today. Whether you need historical weather data by ZIP Code or full 15-day weather forecasts for worldwide cities, our solutions can give you everything that you need. Wind speed, temperature, rainfall, and more are available for your immediate use.

You already know that businesses pay thousands of dollars for this type of data. But if you don’t have the deep pockets of a Fortune 500 company, the Visual Crossing Weather Ambassadors Program may be exactly what you need.

What do you get?

  • Free access to our full weather database including global weather history, 15-day weather forecasts, and even hourly data.
  • Free access to our Weather API and weather data download pages.
  • Access to whatever weather data level required to support your weather project.
  • Access to our library of videos, code samples, and tutorials to get your project up an running quickly.
  • Email and web site support to discuss requirements and ask questions.

The duration of these benefits is generally one year and can be renewed by continued participation in the program.

What do we want in return?

What we need is for you to help us get the word out about the value of weather data in general and the benefits of using Visual Crossing Weather. The way that you fill that need can take many different forms.

If you have a public website, post a link from your site to our site explaining your use of Visual Crossing Weather data.

If your project is an open work such as a public research paper or an open source code project then we ask for a reference or credit. Wherever you post your work, just explain your use of Visual Crossing Weather data and include a link to our site.

For other types of projects, you may have to be more creative. Here are some ideas.

  • If you are writing code, you can write an article describing how you loaded and used the weather data including snippets of the source.
  • If you like to write, describe your weather data use case in an article and post it to a free blogging site such as Medium, Quora, Blogger, or Tumblr. In certain cases, we may even be able to host your article on the Visual Crossing site to improve your exposure.

Be as creative as you like. Here at Visual Crossing one of the few things that we love more than weather data is seeing how creatively people use it. Just let us know what you have in mind, and we’ll do our best to make it work.

How do I sign up?

Starting the sign-up process is as simple as dropping us an email or an online form with your details.

Please be sure to include all relevant information such as the nature of your weather data project (including prototype links or mock-ups if applicable) as well as the type of ambassador work that you are able to do. And please don’t forget to include your contact email. Give us a few days to read over your submission, and we’ll reply with the next steps.

Helping people across the internet and around the globe find something great, should be a positive by itself. Getting free data for your own project is a bonus on top. With the Visual Crossing Weather Ambassador Project you can finally get rewarded for doing something positive. Everyone benefits!

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